Era de esperar. Hasbro ha comenzado una disputa legal contra Cockatrice, la famosa plataforma para jugar a Magic on-line de forma gratuita - y la más empleada pues MWS estaba muy desfasado -. Como se puede leer en el foro de Cockatrice:
I have received what you might call a C&D letter from Hasbro's lawyers. I say "what you might call" because not only do they want me to shut down, but they also require me to sign a form that basically says I will have to pay a yet unspecified amount of damages. I do believe most of their claims are wrong though. The deadline for sending back this form had already passed when I got the letter in my hands, so I'll have to sort this out with the lawyers first as soon as they're available. I'll keep you posted.
Además en la página principal, actualmente cerrada - esperemos que temporalmente -, se puede leer el siguiente mensaje fechado el 27/02/2013 de Max-Wilhelm Bruker (máximo responsable de la plataforma):
I have received a letter from a law firm representing Hasbro Germany, expressing a strong feeling of dislike for our project, backed up with legal claims. Regardless of whether the claims they are making are factually correct or not, I have agreed to shut down the project in its current form. As soon as this is completely sorted out, development work will be put into keeping alive the code base in such a way that it can be used for other purposes.
I deeply appreciate all the support from the community and hope to see all of you again soon. I will keep you posted if there are any news.
Resumiendo, los abogados de Hasbro exigen el cierre de Cockatrice y una compensación económica por los pérdidas generadas por el servicio on-line al usar éste su producto. Una jugada, desde mi punto de vista, poco inteligente pues la gran mayoría de jugadores de Cockatrice lo empleaban como una plataforma de testeo por lo que no "robaba" usuarios del MOL ni del formato físico, al contrario. La caza indiscriminada de Hasbro/WotC hacia aquellos que no "respetan" su copyright continua.